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John Waters-Filme

John Waters ist ein schwuler Filmemacher aus Baltimore, der mit seinenTrash-Filmen Divine zum Star machte und als Großmeister des schlechten Geschmacks schließlich auch in Hollywood drehen durfte, unter anderem Serial Mom mit Kathleen Turner.

Mondo Trasho

John Waters, 1969, 95m
Waters' first feature film, infamously known as "the gutter film," finds Divine, a luscious blonde bombshell transvestite, dragging around the body of one Mary Vivian Pierce, whom she just ran over with her Cadilliac convertible, all to the accompaniment of 60s medley. Once Divine leaves home (fearing imprisonment), good trash rules --- a nude hitchhiker, a laundromat miracle, a mental institution filled with topless dancers and Dr. Coat Hagner.

Multiple Maniacs

John Waters, 1970, 90m
Waters brilliantly combines his own twisted trash with the then recent Sharon Tate killing in Mutilple Maniacs. Featuring the young fashion fanatic, Divine, as a mass murderer leading her croanies off to action. During her final carnage, Divine finds herself delayed by the Religous Whore, who gives her a "rosary job" before the altar. Throughout, Waters masterfully makes absolutely heinous blasphemy somehow quite alluring.

Pink Flamingos

John Waters, 1972, 95m
Waters' utterly brilliant, archetypic camp film of absolutley appalling taste is certainly not for the sensitive. While the main plot of the film is a raunchy couple's attempt to strip the three hundred pound Divine of her title as the "Most Disgusting Person Alive," it mainly features a series of hillariously crude and disgusting gags, such new and inventive uses for chickens and their by-products, magnificent anal prowess, and... come see
the rest for yourself!

Female Trouble
aus den USA von 1975 mit Divine unter ihrem/seinem Haus- und Hof-Regisseur John Waters in einem seiner berühmten Trash-Filme. Das skurrile Friseur-Ehepaar Donna und Donald Dasher entwickeln die obskure Theorie, daß Schönheit und Verbrechen miteinander in Beziehung stehen. Die beiden bauen eine fette, durch ein Säureattentat entstellte Frau (Divine) zum Star auf, der/die schließlich auf dem elektrischen Stuhl landet.


John Waters, 1981, 86m
Here the king of bad taste creates a wonderfully tacky, tacky film. Starring Divine as a house-wife who is virtually indistiguishablel from Liz Taylor (in her more "robust years"). The middle-aged glam gal is spurned by an unfaithful husband, a contemptuous disco-queen daughter, and a glue-sniffing son with a vicious foot fetish. But undeterred by her dog's suicide, she relives the dream of all 50s drag queens and finds solace in the arms of Tab Hunter.

Divine (r.) in Hairspray

Divine (l.) in Polyester