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News-Ressort Mai 2007
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You Tube-Tipp:

Xionel - 16minütige Dokumentation über eine asiatische Transsexuelle

(23. Mai 2007)
Die englische Fotografin und Filmemacherin Arnis Balcus hat diese Dokumentation 2004 gedreht. Sie schreibt dazu: Xionel, who at first instance appears as an astonishingly beautiful Asian girl turns out to be a boy in the process of transsexual transformation preparing for a trip, an encounter with the man (s)he loves. The documentary is made in Vienna, the city which has contributed so much to our understanding of sexuality and which was also a place where the first transsexual operation was made (Anmerkung: Wirklich? War das nicht Dresden?). It provides a link to the unaesthetisised reality of the brave new world of multicultural and multisexual identity. More info on the artist -

Und hier geht es zum Film: >>>